Monday, 16 March 2009


When I was younger I used to see dancing as an act of elegance, sheer talent portrayal. As I got a bit older I used to see as a stereotype for girls and camp boys. I think I only truly understood dancing when I was old enough to go out and about and hear all kinds of music and lose all my inhibitions and dance the night away, jsut enjoying the rhthym and losing control.

I recently read this ; "I gotta keep dancin'... smilin'...
to keep from breakin' apart...

I gotta keep dancin'... smilin'...
to cover up my broken heart..."

-I Gotta Keep Dancing by Carrie Lucas (1977)

And I realised that it's so true! Dancing can make you jsut forget everything, as long as it's something really cheesy! Like Abba, so you can see at the top of your lungs and dance, dance, dance!

I truly enjoy dancing the most in clubs, sheerly because the feel that everyone around you is feeling the beat, and losing control is just amazing! To know that the friends with you are feeling the words, feeling the rhythm and shouting along with you, is something that makes me really happy.

The ultimate feel good song has to be Walking on Sunshine by Katrina & the Waves. You can't listen to it and not want to jump around your room and sing along out of tune! Try it, it feels so good!

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