Monday, 16 March 2009


When I was younger I used to see dancing as an act of elegance, sheer talent portrayal. As I got a bit older I used to see as a stereotype for girls and camp boys. I think I only truly understood dancing when I was old enough to go out and about and hear all kinds of music and lose all my inhibitions and dance the night away, jsut enjoying the rhthym and losing control.

I recently read this ; "I gotta keep dancin'... smilin'...
to keep from breakin' apart...

I gotta keep dancin'... smilin'...
to cover up my broken heart..."

-I Gotta Keep Dancing by Carrie Lucas (1977)

And I realised that it's so true! Dancing can make you jsut forget everything, as long as it's something really cheesy! Like Abba, so you can see at the top of your lungs and dance, dance, dance!

I truly enjoy dancing the most in clubs, sheerly because the feel that everyone around you is feeling the beat, and losing control is just amazing! To know that the friends with you are feeling the words, feeling the rhythm and shouting along with you, is something that makes me really happy.

The ultimate feel good song has to be Walking on Sunshine by Katrina & the Waves. You can't listen to it and not want to jump around your room and sing along out of tune! Try it, it feels so good!

Sunday, 15 March 2009

About Me.

I guess this should of been my first post but whateverrr :)
Right well first of all, I'm not saying my name, I like to keep it mysterious :p haha!

I am 18 years old and 19 in May. I think my life has dramatically improved since turning 18. I think it's because I can socialise more, sounds bad but the best places to go are pubs and clubs whether you're drinking or not. It's warm, nice people and pretty damn safe!

I'm also currently living in Plymouth studying sociology with psychology. I really love the course and I do really enjoy being at uni. I think it's hard to fully enjoy constantly, I miss my friends back home waaay too much, I miss my mum's wonderful cooking, and I also miss my ickle doggy. :)

I am still trying to decide if uni was the biggest mistake or biggest opportunity. I know it's good in the sense; I have learnt to live by myself, to survive without being supported by friends. But also I know parts of me are worse of for coming. I feel more judged and I feel constantly on trial for the people around me.

It took me long enough back home to finally grow attached to the friends I found and they became my life. The sad thing is I think most of them are really drifting away, which scares me because I love them so much and I have no idea what i'd be without who they made me and how the stuck by me, but I guess I had to come out to the big wide world one day.

I feel a bit underestimated and undervalued at uni, my friends at home adored me and nowadays I'm more seen as: 'the downer' or 'the one that is always in his room'. Granted, that both those facts are usually true, but it's only because I feel alone and I really need friends that realise this and come to my rescue, but I'm slowly learning that I have to start to rescue myself.

I think i stand to need changes. I am a bit harsh with my sense of humour, recently it nearly lost me one of the closest friends I made at uni. He's easily one of the best people I have ever met. I could commit a murder and he'd stand by me and help me bury the body. (Just so you know I wouldn't actually commit a murder...) He's one of the most loyal friends I have and I have barely known him six months. I don't understand why he looks out for me so much, but I seriously doubt without him I wouldn't be at uni anymore.

Hmmm well this blog is dragging on a bit isn't it? I doubt anyone read this far haha but if you did kudos to you! it's officially 6am! The second day in a row I have been awake for the sunrise! I'm sure I'll find something to complain about soon!


I just tried to sign in to my old account and was annoyed to find it had been deleted!

So I thought I'd start my rants all over again! I guess this one is about this idiot I was listening to on youtube earlier. He was protesting about how the dictionary stereotypes the words masculine and feminine (which it doesn't he was just a fool and reading it wrong!)

He was claiming how this terrible world influences everyone to thing the wrong things. Granted this world does do some pretty shitty things but I think one thing it's getting pretty good at is accepted people for who and how they want to be.

He started to babble on about male and female starsigns I got so bored and annoyed at him. He was also aussie, which normally would have me melting for the sheer pleasure of the sound, but he was just too annoying and high pitched just really started to piss me off!

The worst part is he kept saying them wrong; he kept saying 'mascuninie' and 'feniminime' the whole video was jsut cringe worthing! I know you may say it's my own fault for watching it, but it really wasn't he kept posting links EVERYWHERE until I finally gave in and watched it. I'd post the link here but I don't want to give the loser of the satisfaction of collecting views on it.